Blissfully Happy

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

As you can see from the picture in my last post, it won't be too much longer before the baby arrives. This weekend we figured we should get on the ball and start getting things ready. Our apartment is fairly large for a one bedroom, but not big enough for a lot of baby stuff. And babies need A LOT of stuff. We went and bought a small dresser last weekend and put it together but realized we had nowhere to put it. Thankfully, our apartment does has a lot of closet space. In the bedroom, one whole wall is separated into three closets. That makes it convenient. One closet for me, one closet for Hubby, and one closet for baby. We cleaned out the closet we'll be using for baby and moved the dresser in there. We bought hangers and were able to put away all the baby clothes and get all the rest of his stuff organized into the closet. We also made a list of all the things we still need to get before his arrival. Who knew babies needed so much stuff!?! But I'm feeling a lot more prepared to have a baby (I wish I felt so prepared for the actual delivery part). We even started working on his website and I think it will be really fun.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Learning to add pictures.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Sometimes being married is really hard.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I don't think I would recommend childbirth classes to anyone. We took our third of four classes last night and for all the useful information I just don't think it's worth it. I'm freaked out more now about having a baby than I was before taking these classes. Even Hubby's a little freaked out for my sake. I'm all for being informed about things I'll be going through but sometimes ignorance is bliss. Most of the useful information can be found on the internet without having to watch graphic labors and deliveries of varying kinds. Hubby thinks that if more people watched these videos before getting pregnant they'd think twice before doing so. I have to agree. I don't know if I really signed up for this.

In other news, I'm thinking of doing a blog for the baby so friends and family can stay updated on his progress (including pictures)and how we're doing. I may or may not keep this blog up if I'm doing that one since my whole life will probably be consumed by the little guy - it really already is. As we get a few weeks closer to his arrival I'll get it set up and send out the link if anybody's interested. And if you're all sick already of baby info and could care less about the new blog, that's fine too:)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

10 more weeks!!!!

Maybe I should start buying things and getting things ready for the baby since we really haven't done much of that yet.

FYI: Ebay can be a great place to find good deals on some of the more expensive baby items you'll want or need. We just bought a brand new pack'n'play with a bassinet for about half the price it would have cost us at the store. Including shipping! Awesome!

Monday, June 12, 2006

I'm Fine. Everything's Fine. We're All Fine. How Are You?

I find it annoying when you go to a doctor's office and they ask how you are. And I don't mean just a doctor's office for a routine visit. I mean an urgent care or emergency room that you only go to when there's something wrong. I always want to say, "I'm here. How do you think I am?"

I took Hubby to urgent care (and by urgent care we're talking super slow care so they should just drop the charade and call it what it is. But that's a whole other post.) and every single person that went in I could hear the nurse ask, "How are you?" And every single person that went in, including Hubby, answered, "Fine." I wanted to scream "No you're not! You're not fine! If you were fine what the heck are you doing here?" But I didn't.

Hubby said it wasn't just the nurse that asked that. The billing girl asked and so did the doctor when he came in. If it had been me I would have just looked at them and said, "Seriously?" I mean, I know a lot of people ask that just to be polite and most people really don't want to hear a response other than "fine." But you're at the doctor's office. They should know better than to ask that and people should know better than to answer with just "fine."

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Work has been super busy since I got back from New Mexico so I haven't had much time to update this. Our trip was nice, but way too short. We spent a day driving there and a day driving back and two days with the in-laws. But it was nice to just relax and not have to do anything. We ate way too much food, Hubby got to go golfing with his dad, and we saw The Da Vinci Code while we were down there. We all really liked it, although I did like the book better than the movie. Hubby hadn't read the book so we listened to it on CD on the way down to New Mexico. I've never really done the book on CD thing before but it was a nice change from listening to the same music CDs over and over again.

The pregnancy is progressing. I saw the doctor last week and I'm almost up to the weight I was before I started getting so sick so that's good progress. Aphrodite says I look really thin from the back and then I've just got this cute little belly. All my weight has shifted from my waist to my stomach. Maybe I won't have too much baby fat to lose after the baby is born. I took the glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes but haven't gotten the results back yet. They tested my iron though and I am anemic. That would explain why I've been so tired lately and that I can't seem to catch my breath. I figured that was just because my lungs are getting squished. We started our childbirth classes last night and let me just ask, is it too late to say no? We watched a video of a live birth and I don't think I want to go through with this anymore! I can't believe women go through this every day. One of the guys in the class fainted during the video. I hope Hubby doesn't do that when it's time for our delivery.

Speaking of Hubby, he has West Nile Virus. No joke. He woke up Tuesday morning with a fever and he was all achy and not feeling so good. Hubby's not one who gets sick very often so when he does it's pretty serious. He couldn't figure out what would have caused these symptoms but then he remembered he got a mosquito bite when he was golfing on Friday. He thought it was weird that his symptoms would just start now but we checked into West Nile Virus anyways and his symptoms match and apparently they don't start for a few days after you get bit. Thankfully it's just a mild case and there's not much the doctors can do for it anyways - it just has to run its course. But he's still pretty miserable just the same. So pray for a speedy recovery.