Blissfully Happy

Monday, April 24, 2006

Conversation Had With My Sister Discussing a Potential Baby Name

S: You've lived in Utah too long.
B: Brother was named after King Benjamin and we didn't live in Utah then.
S: Yes, but Benjamin is a common name.
B: And that's why we're thinking of this one, because it's NOT common. I mean, how many people do you know with this name?
S: A few, actually.
B (turning to Hubby): Great, now we're going to have to go with our backup of Mahonri Moriancomer. We'll call him Hon for short.
S: Then everybody will think he's named after Han Solo and he'll continually be asked about his friend, Chewbacca.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Gender Specific

Today is the day I've been waiting for for months. Pretty much ever since I found out I was pregnant. This morning I went in for my ultrasound! If you've never witnessed an ultrasound before, let me tell you, they are soooooo amazing! Everything was so clear. We could see arms and legs and parts of the brain. We could see the heart beating and other organs. Everything was in working order and developing just right. Which is quite a relief!

And most importantly we could tell the gender.

It seems that a little baby boy will be coming to our home in August! Now, as much as I was hoping for a girl, it really wasn't a surprise that it is a boy. My mother-in-law has been thinking it's a boy from the day we told her. And I did this Chinese horoscope type of thing that said it was going to be a boy and if you know anything about the Chinese, they are DEAD ON about things like that. I don't know how - it's a little bit freaky. So we're very happy and excited for this new information.

One thing that is making me crazy though is all the people telling me boys are so much easier than girls. For as many people that think that I'm sure there is an equal number that think girls are easier. Including my mother. Personally, I just think it depends on the temperament of the child. I've known difficult girls and I've known a lot of just as difficult boys. I think we all come to this earth with our own personality and some are just easier going than others. Some get into trouble and some stay away from mischief. It'll be interesting to see what kind of personality this little boy has. If he's anything like his parents I bet he'll be pretty stubborn!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wishing My Life Away

Life has been pretty boring lately. I apologize to all my readers that my blog seems to have become all about being pregnant and most of you really can't relate and really don't care but that's pretty much all that's going on with me these days so I share. And if you don't want to read it you don't have to. I need to start writing down other topics I think of because I can't remember them when it comes time to post. Like I have to do with my grocery list.

Several people I know have recently found out they are pregnant. One of the gals at work is pregnant with her second. But her first child is already 12 and she's not looking forward to starting all over. The first one will be going off to college and the second will be starting kindergarten. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes.

Big Red is also pregnant with her second and I spent the afternoon yesterday with her and her very active 1 year old. I haven't spent much time with her in the past several years although I still consider her one of my best friends. We caught up on each other's lives but spent most of the afternoon chasing her son around the house. He's adorable but I was worn out by the time they left. I don't know how she does it all day long and I was glad I wouldn't have to do that for about 18 more months. But then I got freaked out that I actually had a realistic timeline for when I would have my own rambunctious 1 year old to chase around the house.

I have realized that many of us spend a lot of time wishing our lives away instead of enjoying the time as it passes. "I wish I was done with school" or "I wish I was married" or "I wish this baby was here already!" I'm definitely guilty of this and I've decided I need to step back and actually enjoy every minute and not try to hurry things along because soon they're over and all we can do is look back and wish we could relive it all one more time.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Wow! I hope this doesn't happen to me!

Maybe baby showers are a bad idea. Or maybe it's only when alcohol and firearms are involved.

Monday, April 03, 2006

True Confessions Revisited

Remember this guy?

Over the weekend I went to a function that involved the people I had worked with in Cleveland. I hadn't even thought about G.I. Joe being there. I had seen him at the reunion the year before but had steered clear and he hadn't hunted me down. Probably because he'd heard that I was married and didn't really care to meet Hubby.

A few days after I had returned from Cleveland, G.I. Joe called me to go out with a group of friends. After the knife incident I don't know why I agreed. Probably because he didn't know I knew about the knife incident and I couldn't think of a good enough excuse and I really hadn't made any friends since being back yet. He wouldn't take no for an answer anyway. Over the next few months he would call me to do things and sometimes I could get out of it and sometimes I couldn't. Even if I got out of it he was undeterred and continued to call and extend invitations. I was getting tired of playing this little game and knew it wouldn't lead anywhere on my part and it was just leading him on on his part so I finally just told him I was dating someone. It was a total bold faced lie but I couldn't think of any other way to get away from him! Less than two months later Hubby and I were dating so I didn't feel too bad about what I had done. I hadn't talked to him since that conversation.

Friday night when I walked into the reunion I saw him but he didn't see me. I made a beeline out of his sight and started chatting with some good friends I hadn't seen for quite awhile. The girls all ran up to see my growing belly and inquire about the baby. The guys chatted with me and wouldn't bring up my pregnant state unless I brought it up first and then would say, "I thought so but I wasn't going to ask." Like I just grew a beer belly or something to explain my rotund appearance! I ran into Thurston and chatted with him for a bit. It was good to see him. He asked me if I was trying to avoid anyone (implying G.I. Joe). I hadn't thought about him again since we'd come in and I just figured he didn't want to see me any more than I wanted to see him.

Apparently I was wrong. We had said our goodbyes to everyone and were just getting ready to walk out the door when I hear someone yell, "Bliss!" I turned around and who should be there but G.I. Joe. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to shield Hubby from any knives that G.I. Joe might pull from his jacket but thankfully that didn't happen. It was one of the most awkward experiences I've ever had. I had no idea what to say to him and he just babbled like an idiot until he could tell we were really anxious to get out of there. But I guess I can deal with awkward as long as there aren't any knives.