Blissfully Happy

Monday, January 16, 2006


As you've all discovered, I am indeed pregnant. I go to the doctor next week and should know by then how far along I am. My guess is probably 4-6 weeks. Still early but I've been so sick we couldn't really keep it a secret. I am, however, starting to feel a little better. I was pretty worried for awhile because I couldn't seem to keep anything down at any time of the day. But Hubby and I bought this Morning Sickness CD that's supposed to soothe the inner ear and cut the nausea. So far it seems to be working alright. I still have a constant stomachache but I'm able to keep a lot more food down than I did before although I still have to be picky about what I put in my mouth. I'm sure you're all excited to know that.

As for that job I was applying for... I was offered the position but then I didn't feel good about it so I turned it down. A few days later we found out I was pregnant so maybe that was the reason I didn't feel like i should take that job. Heaven knows I haven't felt much like working part-time these last few weeks, let alone full time. Now I'm actually looking into substitute teaching on the days I'm not working here. It'll be flexible so if I'm sick and can't work or need time off for drs appointments and such I'll be able to do that but still supplement our income a little bit. I just need to go to the police station and get fingerprinted and I'll be all set to turn in the application.