Blissfully Happy

Monday, April 11, 2005

Mother I love you, Mother I do...

Mom's are great. I know sometimes we don't appreciate them like we should but they really do have our best interest at heart and do anything they can to help us. Like:

When we stop by they make us fresh juice to help us get over our colds (so maybe she just really likes using her new juicer)

They tell us to keep the movie we borrowed because they know we really liked it and already went out and bought themselves a new copy

They buy us stamps so we can send out thank you cards for our wedding that we should have sent out months ago but haven't because we couldn't afford stamps

They do our laundry when we end up having to work on laundry day

My mom is great. And for all the times she drives me crazy I'd still be lucky to be anything like her when I'm a mom. Thanks mom!