Blissfully Happy

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Work has been pretty busy lately so I haven't had much time to read blogs, let alone write my own entries. It's still busy but I need a break:)

Hubby graduates from the community college this week. Hooray!!! 2 years down, 2 more to go!!! And maybe when he's done I'll have the opportunity to go back and finish up my bachelors degree. Unless I turn into a baby factory instead which really sounds less appealing. Part of me wishes I had just buckled down after high school and gotten my education taken care of then but I think I would have missed out on a lot of the experiences I had because I didn't pursue a college education right away. And I doubt Hubby and I would have met because we would have been in different places instead of hooking up at the community college. See? Everything happens for a reason.

To celebrate, I think we'll be going to The Melting Pot. I love fondue but I've never been there before. Somebody gave us a really nice fondue pot for our wedding and it's one of our favorite gifts. I recommend everybody register for one when they get married. Or buy one yourself, although the one we got was kind of pricey but super nice of someone else to buy for us! But anyways, back to the restaurant. We got a gift certificate for The Melting Pot back in March but haven't used it yet as I was either too sick, or didn't have enough of an appetite to go. But now I'm feeling mostly better. The sickness seems to be limited to mostly the morning now, and my appetite is returning. Hooray! I only have 16 more weeks of pregnancy left, it's about time I started feeling better!

So, it should be a fun celebration. And I'll do my best to keep all that cheese and chocolate down.